Sweet Revenge Core Values
We want you to know we have a set of standards. The core values everyone in our organization understands and lives by. Holding the line here, our mission is to provide the most amazing experience possible with our products, giving everyone a reason to enjoy the moment.
DisciplineWe are motivated by the value of what we are setting out to accomplish. We believe knowing the value of something is what makes it worth doing which then makes discipline to take action the next most important step. By practicing discipline day in and out the value we provide is of a higher caliber.
CourageThere is no glamor in courage. At least not initially. Courage is the magic ingredient when taking action. It takes courage to accomplish something great. It takes courage to spread a message that will bring people together. And our mission is to bring people together to enjoy each others' company and live in the moment.
Be PresentYesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet. What we have is this moment in time right now and we can decide to make it great or not. We encourage others, and are working hard to be a reason everyone can have a chance to see what is in front of them, rather than thinking about tomorrow or the day before.
Lead by ExampleWe know what has to be done. With enthusiasm we are spreading a message that will allow more people to think in regards of building a longer table instead of a higher fence. Sometimes it requires us to learn something new which is exactly what we are trying to do everyday. We hope we can do our job to be the example for our team and likewise with you.
Show HumilityAn act of humility brings us down and connects us with mother nature and each other. We are consistently working to better ourselves which at times requires us to hear when we can improve ourselves. For our customers, we are here to listen with the intention of our own self improvement.
Take OwnershipWe make mistakes, a common fact of life. When mistakes are made, especially in a group setting, it is easy to place or share blame. Taking ownership of a mistake allows you to hold yourself more accountable. By acknowledging the mistake and taking ownership of the corrective action you will ensure that mistake doesn't get made again.
Personal GrowthIn a world that is moving so fast it's easy to neglect time for ourselves. We want what is best for our team and our customers and we all need something that allows us to feel like we are making ourselves better. We are continuously learning as we create new things. The time we take to make ourselves better is necessary.
Be EnthusiasticThe key to enjoying hard work is enthusiasm. Taking pride in what we are doing and knowing we are laboring with intent gives us an edge when taking on more difficult tasks. With the willingness to put in the effort we strive to spread our enthusiasm as it is said the journey is the best part.
BelieveThis all started with a dream. A message worth sharing and an amazing product to help spread that message. It starts inside of us and using these core values we are making our dream a reality. We could not have gotten here without so many of our customers who have believed in us since the start.